
JAIA aims at ensuring fair access to the Japanese market for its members and their OEMs. In order to achieve this aim, JAIA plans to carry out the following activities in compliance with the legal and customary framework of Japan.

I. Activities for Market Revitalization

– Aiming at ensuring fair market conditions, JAIA will further carry out its external affairs activities to request for fairer, more reasonable and more simplified automobile-related tax systems and appropriate subsidy system for imported vehicle users.

– Provide reliable statistics as well as updated handbooks/information on changes in distribution-related laws as well as technical and environmental regulations in a timely manner and in the most convenient formats.

II. Activities in Environment/Energy Areas (Carbon Neutral Era)

– Toward “Realization of Carbon Neutral Society”, continue to focus on electrification-related activities by promoting the common interest of the JAIA member companies and requesting METI, MLIT as well as other relevant ministries, regional governments and organizations to review the related policies and work on developing the necessary infrastructure, especially in order to increase the awareness of electrically driven vehicles over grasping the users’ needs while working on challenges (voltage limitation, etc.) including technical issues to shorten charging time, etc.

Also, JAIA will support the members to achieve 2020/2030 Fuel Efficiency Standards for Passenger Cars.

III. Activities for Safety and Harmonization of Regulations

– JAIA will further carry out its external affairs activities for promoting international harmonization, rationalization and streamlining of vehicle’s safety, environment and other relevant regulations, standards and certification procedures including vehicle in use, in cooperation with METI, MLIT as well as other relevant ministries and organizations.

IV. Activities for Automobile Fair Trade/After-sales, etc.

– Aiming at ensuring fair trade, JAIA will further participate in relevant working groups of Automobile Fair Trade Council (AFTC). In addition, JAIA will appropriately respond to the consumers in cooperation with Automobile Dispute Resolution Center (ADRC).

– In the fields of after-sales, recycling, improving environment for overcoming the mechanic human resources issue, etc., JATA will support the activities of members, participate in the activities of related organizations, and engage in external activities as necessary.

V. Activities for Motorcycles

– Continues activities for market revitalization including test drive and exhibition event, etc. streamlining the certification system through external affairs activities to MLIT, etc. and activities for international harmonization of technical standards and environmental regulations.

VI. Others

– JAIA will further collaborate with automobile-related organizations, etc. in other countries (e.g. ACEA) and in Japan (e.g. JAMA, ACCJ, EBC) to exchange views/information on various issues, considering globally changing circumstances.

– JAIA will further improve member services by deploying additional IT systems, and streamlining business activities by developing infrastructure.